A delegation comprised of Prof. Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs, Prof. Yazdani, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Prof. Ziyari, Dean, Faculty of Geography, Prof. Hamzeh, Advisor to the Dean of the Faculty of Geography on International Affairs, Prof. Asghari, Vice Dean of Research, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, and Prof. Rashtiani, Advisor to the Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities on International Affairs, visited University of Babylon and University of AL-Kafil, in Iraq on October 1-4, 2019.

During the visit to the University of Babylon, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed and it was decided to follow up the contents of the Memorandum of Understanding within 5 specialized work groups. Also the exchange of students and professors, the sharing of experiences on the publication of scientific journals were among the topics of mutual discussion between the two parties.

In the visit to University of Al-Kafil, a Memorandum of Understanding was also signed and was decided with the help of the University of Medical Sciences Of Tehran, the grounds for strengthening the specialized fields of study to be further examined and planned. The exchange of professors and students in the areas of basic sciences and specialized laboratories and other areas of interest was also agreed upon. It is expected that as a result of this newly established ties, the relationship between UT and the two mentioned universities in Iraq to be further developed.