Ara Toomanian

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-02-20

Ara Toomanian

Faculty of Geography / Remote Sensing & GIS

Journal Paper

  1. "Association between public and private greenspace availability and electricity consumption"
    Alireza Sarsangi, Ara Toomanian, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Majid Kiavarz Moghaddam, Mohammad Hossein Saraei
    ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, Vol. 324, 2024
  2. "A planar graph cluster‐routing approach for optimizing medical waste collection based on spatial constraint"
    Keyvan Bagheri, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Ara Toomanian, Mohammadreza Jelokhani-Niaraki, Leila Hajibabai
    Transactions in GIS, Vol. 2024, pp.1-22, 2024
  3. "Genetic algorithms-based optimal site selection of solar PV in the north of Afghanistan"
    abdulbasir ghasemi, Ara Toomanian, Farhad Nasri, Najmeh Neysani Samany
    International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Vol. 42, No 1, pp.929-953, 2023
    Ara Toomanian
    Geodesy and Cartography, Vol. 48, No 4, pp.193-201, 2022
  5. "A Review of Sustainable and Renewable Sources of Energy for Afghanistan"
    abdul baser ghasemi, Vahid Isazadeh, Ara Toomanian
    Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.60-75, 2022
  6. "The Effect of Drought Phenomenon on the Surface of Groundwater Aquifer in Qazvin Plain in Iran"
    Vahid Isazadeh, abdul baser Qasimi, Ara Toomanian, Esmail Isazade
    The Journal of Geoinformatics and Environmental Research, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.103-112, 2021
  7. "A description of spatial-temporal patterns of the novel COVID-19 outbreak in the neighbourhoods’ scale in Tehran, Iran"
    Azadeh Lak, Ali Maher, Alireza Zali, Siamak Badr, Ehsan Mostafavi, Hamidreza Baradaran, Khatereh Hanani, Ara Toomanian, Davood Khalili
    Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Vol. 35, No 128, 2021
  8. "The most places at risk surrounding the COVID-19 treatment hospitals in an urban environment- case study: Tehran city"
    Najmeh Neysani Samany, Ara Toomanian, Ali Maher, Khatereh Hananeh, Ali Reza Zali
    LAND USE POLICY, Vol. 109, No 105725, 2021
  9. "Knowledge Discovery Web Service for Spatial Data Infrastructures"
    Morteza Omidi Poor, Ara Toomanian, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Ali Mansourian
    ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 10, No 1, 2020
  10. "Soil texture fractions modeling and mapping using LS-SVR algorithm"
    Mehrdad Jeihooni, Seyed Kazem Alavi Panah, Ara Toomanian, Aliasqar Jafarzadeh
    DESERT, Vol. 25, No 2, 2020
  11. "A hybrid ridesharing algorithm based on GIS and ant colony optimization through geosocial networks"
    Mohammadreza Jelokhani-Niaraki, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Moslem Mahmoodi, Ara Toomanian
  12. "Digital mapping of soil moisture retention properties using solely satellite-based data and data mining techniques"
    Mehrdad Jeihouni, Seyed Kazem Alavi Panah, Ara Toomanian, Ali Asghar JafarZadeh
    JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, Vol. 585, No 124786, 2020
  13. "Decision Tree-Based Data Mining and Rule Induction for Identifying High Quality Groundwater Zones to Water Supply Management: a Novel Hybrid Use of Data Mining and GIS"
    Mehrdad Jeihooni, Ara Toomanian, علی منصوریان
    WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, Vol. 34, No 1, pp.139-154, 2019
  14. "Validation of spatial multicriteria decision analysis results using public participation GIS"
    Narjes Mahmoodi Vanolia, Mohammadreza Jelokhani-Niaraki, Ara Toomanian
    APPLIED GEOGRAPHY, Vol. 112, No 2019, 2019
  15. "Assessing the changes of mangrove ecosystem services value in the Pars Special Economic Energy Zone"
    Ghadir Ashornejad, Farshad Amiraslani, Majid Kiavarz Moghaddam, Ara Toomanian
    OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, Vol. 179, No 1, 2019
  16. "Spatio-temporal distribution of off-shore ships in the Pars Special Economic Energy Zone based on satellite imagery"
    Ghadir Ashornejad, Farshad Amiraslani, Majid Kiavarz Moghaddam, Ara Toomanian
    Environmental Resources Research, Vol. 7, No 1, 2019
  17. "An integrated GIS-based Ordered Weighted Averaging analysis for solar energy evaluation in Iran: Current conditions and future planning"
    Mohammad Karimi Firouzjani, Omid Nematollahi, Naeim Meijani, Saman Nadizadeh Shoorabeh, حمزه کریمی فیروزجانی, Ara Toomanian
    RENEWABLE ENERGY, Vol. 136, No 136, 2018
  18. "Long term groundwater balance and water quality monitoring in the eastern plains of Urmia Lake, Iran: A novel GIS based low cost approach"
    Mehrdad Jeihooni, Ara Toomanian, Seyed Kazem Alavi Panah, Saeid Hamzeh, Petter Pilesjo
    JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 2018, No 147, pp.11-19, 2018
  19. "Spatiotemporal modelling of urban quality of life (UQoL) using satellite images and GIS"
    Ali Kazem Zadeh Zw, Ali Darvishi Boloorani, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Ara Toomanian, Ahmad Pour Ahmad
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, Vol. 39, No 13, pp.1-22, 2018
  20. "Quantitative assessment of Urmia Lake water using spaceborne multisensor data and 3D modeling"
    Mehrdad Jeihouni, Ara Toomanian, Seyed Kazem Alavi Panah, Saeid Hamzeh
    ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, Vol. 189, No 11, pp.571-586, 2017
  21. "An application of MC-SDSS for water supply management during a drought crisis"
    Mehrdad Jeihooni, Ara Toomanian, Seyed Kazem Alavi Panah, Mahmoud Shahabi, Saba Bazdar
    ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, Vol. 187, No 7, pp.412-396, 2015
  22. "Automatic integration of spatial data in viewing services"
    Ara Toomanian, Lars Harrie, Ali Mansourian, Petter Pilsejo
    Journal of Spatial Information Science, No 6, pp.43-58, 2013
  23. "Identification of Crime-Prone Areas and Effective Factors in its Escalation using Spatial Data Mining Methods the Case Study of Isfahan City"
    بهاره سادات موسوی, Ara Toomanian, Meysam Argany, Samaneh Arvandi, Mehran SaedPanah
    Geography and urban planning researchs, Vol. 11, No 1, 2023
  24. "Integrated noise reduction-data mining method for soil organic matter prediction by VNIR spectrometry"
    Elahe Akbari, Saham Mirzaei, Ara Toomanian, Ali Darvishi Boloorani, حسینعلی بهرامی
    Journal of applied RS & GIS Techinques in Natural Resource Science, Vol. 13, No 3, pp.1-5, 2022
  25. "Recognizing the concept of the 15-minute city and its challenges in the post-corona period"
    Seyedabbas Rajaei, Ara Toomanian, محمود عدالتی رنجبر
    Basic sciences letter, Vol. 1, No 5, 2022
  26. "The Accuracy Improvement of the Hyperspectral Satellite Image Classification by Using the Development of a Convolutional Neural Network and Deep Learning"
    Somayeh Mahmody, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Ara Toomanian
    Geospatial Information Technology, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.109-125, 2022
  27. "Estimation of Waste Collection Vehicles' Travel Time Using Spatial-Temporal Artificial Neural Networks Algorithms (Case Study: Tehran City)"
    Keyvan Bagheri, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Mohammadreza Jelokhani-Niaraki, Ara Toomanian, لیلا حاجی بابایی
    Geography and urban planning researchs, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.75-92, 2021
  28. "Development of a Routing Model for Managing of Web-Based GIS Municipal Solid Waste Fleet"
    Keyvan Bagheri, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Ara Toomanian, Mohammadreza Jelokhani-Niaraki, لیلا حاجی بابایی
    Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 13, No 1, 2020
  29. "The study of impacts of land use land cover change on ecosystem services in Pars Energy Secial Zone using remote sensingg"
    Ghadir Ashornejad, Farshad Amiraslani, Majid Kiavarz Moghaddam, Ara Toomanian
    Physical Geography Research Quarterly, Vol. 51, No 2, 2019
  30. "Evaluating urban quality of life using remote sensing and GIS"
    Ali Kazem Zadeh Zw, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Ali Darvishi Boloorani, Ara Toomanian, Ahmad Pour Ahmad
    Geographical Data (SEPEHR), Vol. 27, No 107, pp.113-132, 2018
  31. "Urban growth simulation based on CA- Markov and MCDA"
    Nooredin Misagh, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Ara Toomanian
    Human Geography Research Quarterly, Vol. 50, No 1, pp.217-231, 2018
  32. "Application of the Louise Model in Modeling Land Equilibrium Conflict with Land Approach"
    Morteza Omidipour, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Ara Toomanian, Hasanali Faraji Sabokbar
    Town and Country Planning, Vol. 9, No 2, pp.219-243, 2018
  33. "New Methods of Pruning Associative Classification Rules (Case Study: Rules Related to the Optimality of Location of Banks in Tehran City)"
    Ghadir Ashor Nejad, Anis Ashournedjad, Ara Toomanian
    Geospatial Engineering Journa, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.39-48, 2017
  34. "Using Weighted Maximal Covering Model with Partial Covering and Geographical Information Systems in Locating Bank Branches (Case Study: Mehr Eghtesad Bank Branches in the region 1)"
    Ali Mohaghar, Sara Ariaei, Jalil Heidary Dahooie, Ara Toomanian
    Industrial Management Studies, Vol. --, 2017
  35. "A study on the optimization of GIS management in the field of futures research"
    Saeed Madadi, Ara Toomanian
    Journal of Military Science and Tactics, Vol. 11, No 35, pp.27-40, 2017
  36. "Presentation of a Geoportal Based on Semantic Recommender Systems"
    Alireza Rahmati, Ara Toomanian, Najmeh Neysani Samany
    Journal Of Geomatics Science And Technology, Vol. 6, No 1, 2016
  37. "Development of Strategies for Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) implementation in Military Command and Control Systems at 1404 Horizons with Futuristic Perspective"
    Saeed Madadi, Ara Toomanian, Zakaria Kazem Pour
    Quarterly journal -Defensive future studies, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.65-88, 2016
  38. "Presentation of geographic information and features on the web using open source technologies"
    Ara Toomanian, Ali Kazemzadeh Zu
    Geospatial Engineering Journa, Vol. 6, No 3, pp.21-32, 2015
  39. "A nonparametric approach and local entropy model to detecting spatially relationship between Urban landuse and crime"
    Alireza Rahmati, محسن کلانتری, Ara Toomanian, Hossein Teimuri
    Journal of Geography Law, Vol. 2, No 8, pp.1-24, 2015
  40. "comparison of two fuzzy models for predicting water in Kermanshah"
    Keivan Bagheri, Farshad Amiraslani, Ara Toomanian, Saeid Hamzeh
    Geography and urban planning researchs, Vol. 2, No 4, 2014

Conference Paper

  1. "New Generation of Geospatial Clearinghouse Networks"
    Morteza Omidi Poor, Ara Toomanian, Najmeh Neysani Samany
    25th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2022, 2022
  2. "Towards Spatial Knowledge Infrastructure (SKI): Technological Understanding"
    Morteza Omidipour, Ara Toomanian, Najmeh Neysani Samany
    Agile 2018, 2018
  3. "Optimization of disposal of the waste using Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study in Tehran"
    Keyvan Bagheri, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Mahmod Rezai, Ara Toomanian
    The 4th International Conference on the Enviromental Planning and Management, 2017
    Mehrdad Jeihooni, Ara Toomanian, Seyed Kazem Alavi Panah, مهرداد شهابی
    The 1st ISPRS International Conference on Geospatial Information Research, 2014
  5. "Analysis on motorcycle accidents based on data mining methods"
    Samadi Mehdi, Ara Toomanian
    First national conference on Data and spatial information, 2022
  6. "Developing a web GIS for waste management fleet in Tehran, Iran"
    Keivan Bagheri, Najmeh Neysani Samany, Mohammadreza Jelokhani-Niaraki, Ara Toomanian
    The first Tehran smart conference, 2019
  7. "Investigation of road construction on Naiband conservation site"
    Ghadir Ashournejad, Farshad Amiraslani, Majid Kiavarz Moghaddam, Ara Toomanian
    The first national conference on sustainable development of Persian Gulf, 2018
  8. "Planning for Mangrove forests in Pars economic zone"
    Ghadir Ashournejad, Farshad Amiraslani, Majid Kiavarz Moghaddam, Ara Toomanian
    National 25th Geomatic Conference, 2018
  9. "Identification of parameters on Tehran air aerosols"
    Mahdi Ghorbani, Farshad Amiraslani, Ara Toomanian, .a. Kakroodi Ata
    National Conference of Air and Sound Pollution, 2018
  10. "SDI assessment role in defense"
    Saeed Madadi, Ara Toomanian, Amir Naser Akhavan
    Geomatics 96, 2017
  11. "SVM parameter selection with Genetics Algorithm for LIDAR data classification"
    Mohammad Hajeb, Ara Toomanian, Zeinab Azarakhsh, Farshad Karimi
    Second National Conference of Spatial Information Eng., 2017
  12. "Locating Temporary Accommodation Shelters to Decrease Human Casualties Due Military Attacks(Air and missile strikes)Case Study: Ahvaz city"
    Ara Toomanian, Morteza Omidipour, S.m.m. Moosavi, آتنا معین مهر, Mohammad Moeinmehr
    1 st International Conference on Human, Architecture, Civil Engineering and City, ICOHACC 2015, 2015
  13. "Cartographic Standard Necessity in SDI Development"
    Ameneh Rezaii, Ara Toomanian
    National Conference on Guilan Province Developement, 2015
  14. "MCDM_GIS combined application utilization to plan rural services, case study: Andika Center district"
    Amir Bastami Nia, Ara Toomanian, Morteza Omidipour, Sara Sistani
    First National Conference on sustainable development in Geography and planning, architecture and urban, 2015